About Us

About Me

Baking has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of baking with my Aunt, classic Butterfly Buns that all kids love to do! My classic cupcake recipe is an adaptation of her recipe. She still makes the best Butterfly Buns!

Baking has helped me bond with the people in my life. Many hours were spent baking Rock Buns or Scones with my Grandad and my Mother-in-Law taught me how to make some classic bakes, Apple Crumble Pie (my Mums' favourite), Lemon Tart, and introduced me to Gluten-free baking.

As I got older and had kids of my own, I found baking became a stress reliever from the pressures faced as a working mum, Mum guilt by the bucket-load eased by baking a cake with my little people!

One of my most treasured possessions is my Grandmothers recipe box, given to me by my Mother, which contains hundreds of traditional recipes that are still delicious to this day.  The recipes scribbled in her handwriting are precious. I have added my own recipes I have gathered to the box ready to pass on to my boys one day.

I decided to open Suzy Sweet Bakery so I could enjoy the baking without the weight gain! Creating something from scratch that can bring a smile to a face feels amazing. I always feel honoured to be asked to create something that will be shared in a special way, to mark a milestone or to let those we care about know that they matter to us.

Whatever the occasion, Suzy Sweet Bakery would love to help you celebrate!